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eVolve - Nästa generations plattform för lärande

Dale Carnegies nya Learning Experience Platform gör det möjligt att arbeta med modernt digitalt lärande i kombination med professionell och effektiv klassrumsträning. En interaktiv plattform med teori, arbetssidor, tydliga anvisningar om vad som ska göras före och efter sessioner och tillgång till sociala samarbetsverktyg för smidig kontakt med övriga deltagare och instruktör.

  • Allt samlat på ett ställe, både i och utanför klassrummet. Resursmaterial kan adderas efter behov och efter-frågan.
  • Molnbaserad lösning som gör att deltagare kan nå materialet på sin telefon, tablet eller dator när de önskar.
  • Tillgång till materialet och eVolve även efter avslutat deltagande och nya program adderas enkelt till profilen.
  • Sammanställningar och rapporter över deltagande, utveckling och aktivitets-grad.

Utvecklas över tid tillsammans med Dale Carnegie

Tillsammans identifierar vi vilka områden som är viktiga att träna på för just dig eller dina medarbetare, så att ni kan sätta relevanta mål för utvecklingen, i linje med organisationens mål och vision.

Våra beprövade träningsmetoder skapar framgång och bidrar till professionell personlig utveckling och ett livslångt lärande.

Modern Blended Learning Experience - Elevated by eVolve

Microlearning & Embedded Sustainment

12 month subscription allows you to access Dale Carnegie’s time-tested methodology anywhere at any time to reinforce training or build new skills to meet the next challenge.

Social Collaboration & Community

Social Collaboration is a key element of the Dale Carnegie experience. Allowing individuals and teams grow through accountability, support, practice, and recognition.

Enhanced Coaching

The right coaching at the right time can increase performance. That’s why we’ve created more opportunities for coaching.

Trainer-Led Difference

Our focus has always been learning through doing, applying time-tested techniques for real-word and real-life results.

Delivering Results for Organizations

Single sign on access to track progress, attend training, engage with your class, or review course material anywhere anytime.

Integrated assessments, customized dashboards, and easy-to-use reporting give leaders insight into team progress.

On-Demand and adaptive learning empowers employees to own their professional development and sustain their skills long-term.

The customizable platform allows employees a seamless branded experience for your organization’s employee development.

Engaging for Individuals

Transforming Organizations Online

Whether you're searching for the re-skilling and upskilling your employees for the new workplace or for the strength to enact change in your organization, we offer proven tools to help your employees, teams, and leaders make an impact.

Dale Carnegie Course

Combining the best of instructor led training and on demand learning, you’ll discover how to form closer, more rewarding relationships built on trust and respect. Inspire others to take initiative and innovate. 

Effective Communications & Human Relations

Start by building confidence in your communication skills, continue by finding ways to better manage stress and worry, and transform your abilities to connect with others.

Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Leading

Learn about the challenges that new leaders face and build confidence with proven strategies and tools that are used by successful leaders.

Live Online Overview

Creating a Transformational Live Online Experience

Topher Olsen, Live Online Testimonial

What Our Clients Are Saying About Our Online Training

"This was awesome! My team will be better as a result. ”

Matthew Bevan
Manhattan Woods Golf Club

“Easy and smooth. The execution was 11 out of 10."

Josh Lewis

“Very good value, a lot of interaction. Absolutely wonderful."

Sharon Redden
Atlantic Central

About Dale Carnegie

For more than 100 years in over 90 countries and more than 30 languages, Dale Carnegie has taught the skills that have enabled millions of people to take control of their businesses, their careers, and their futures. Enhancing the leadership, communication, sales, and interpersonal skills of our customers lead to more confidence, effective communication, stronger team collaboration, and better personal and professional results.

Digital Learning Experience Platform

Central to the modern blended learning experience is Dale Carnegie eVolve. The simple, elegant user interface integrates digital, live virtual, and live in-person training into a seamless blended learning solution.


Dale Carnegie All Access Live Online Subscription and Certificates for Your Employees

Upskill and reskill your workforce for the new normal. Develop resilient and agile teams to succeed in the face of new business models and modified workplaces - remote, in-person, and hybrid. 

Learn More

Enroll in leadership training today.

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